Phone: 281-316-2500
The Donaldson Torit Downflo® Evolution cartridge dust and fume collector now sets the standard for industrial dust collection – by providing a 25% increase in airflow capacity, improved airflow path, and a 29% increase in pulse cleaning pressure. These compact, high-efficiency units use high efficiency oval-shaped cartridge filters, especially well-suited for filtering the sub-micron dust. There are 26 Downflo Oval cartridge dust collectors models including 3 self-contained, “plug and play” units: DFO 1-1, DFO 2-2, and DFO 3-3.
The Donaldson Torit Downdraft Bench combines a ruggedly constructed work surface with a choice of 6 different Torit-Built® dust collector filters. Includes fluorescent light fixture and large-capacity dust drawers. The Downdraft Bench is ideal for polishing, hand sanding, dry buffing and steel grinding.
The Donaldson Torit Downflo® II cartridge dust and fume collector revolutionized dust collection in the 1980’s with a proprietary downward airflow design that delivers high filtration efficiency. DFT has ledgeless construction, so is often chosen for agglomerative applications
Donaldson Torit Downflo® WorkStations are flexible, modular, self-contained collectors that provide more filtration capability than other same-sized cartridge dust and fume collectors. DWS has several distinct features that prominently sets it apart -- such as ledgeless construction, unique oval-shaped Ultra-Web® cartridge dust collector filters, and reversible inlets. 2 base-power modules provide the building blocks for more airflow capacity and larger model variations. Requires no hoods or ductwork, and recirculates clean air for energy savings
The Donaldson Torit Downflo® Oval cartridge dust and fume collector now sets the standard for industrial dust collection – by providing a 25% increase in airflow capacity, improved airflow path, and a 29% increase in pulse cleaning pressure. These compact, high-efficiency units use high efficiency oval-shaped cartridge filters, especially well-suited for filtering the sub-micron dust. There are 26 Downflo Oval cartridge dust collectors models including 3 self-contained, “plug and play” units: DFO 1-1, DFO 2-2, and DFO 3-3.